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Educational Performance Index

The achievement levels of students in Clark County on state tests

Educational Performance Index

Educational Performance Index

Educational Performance Index

wdt_ID Year Clark Shawnee Greenon Northeastern Northwestern Southeastern Springfield Tecumseh Clark County Ohio
5 2013 84.5 83.1 83.2 82.6 84.4 69.3 81.2 78.0
6 2014 85.2 84.3 83.5 83.7 82.9 69.7 80.4 76.3
7 2015 81.3 74.6 74.7 76.8 74.5 61.8 74.2 73.6
8 2016 74.9 68.4 69.7 70.0 69.5 54.2 64.7 65.8 68.0
9 2017 76.7 69.0 74.0 72.4 73.3 57.2 66.3 66.9 70.1
10 2018 74.1 70.2 71.5 74.7 75.3 56.4 65.6 65.2 70.2
11 2019 73.5 70.3 71.7 74.3 75.6 54.3 65.9
12 2020
13 2021 56.2 59.4 65.5 66.0 69.9 43.9 58.9
14 2022 78.5 74.5 78.9 78.7 80.7 52.7 71.6
15 2023 79.1 76.8 77.8 75.0 80.8 52.6 73.1

These data measure “student performance on the Ohio Achievement Assessments/Ohio Graduate Tests at the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grade levels and English I, English II, Algebra I, Geometry, Integrated Math I and Integrated Math II”, as defined on the Ohio Department of Education website, in the different school districts in Clark County.

  • Clark Shawnee, Northeastern, and Northwestern consistently score above a 70% rating (rounded to the nearest whole percent).
  • Greenon, Southeastern, and Tecumseh vary from a 65% to an 85% score.
  • Springfield city schools consistently scores below a 70% rating.
  • Since 2013, all school’s Performance Index Ratings have decreased in total, though Southeastern and Northwestern have begun trending upwards since 2016.

All data comes from the Ohio Department of Education.

This information comes from the Report Card Lists and Rankings.

The Ohio Department of Education finds a Performance Index Rating on a scale of 1 to 120 using Math and English scores throughout elementary and middle school. These percentages were found by converting those 120- point ratings to an even percentage scale.

Beginning in the 2015-2016 school year, the method of test administration changed making this school year the new baseline. Due to this the Ohio Department of Education advises against comparisons between the years prior to the 2015-2016 school year and the years following.

Only the data for the state of Ohio for the 2016-2018 school years data are available to display.

This post was last updated on 17 October 2019.

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