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Drug Overdose Deaths

The rate and number of drug overdose deaths in Clark County and Ohio

Unintentional Drug Overdose Death Rate

Unintentional Drug Overdose Death Rate

wdt_ID Year Clark County Ohio
2 2010 14.5 13.7
3 2011 24.7 15.3
4 2012 26.2 16.4
5 2013 20.5 18.2
6 2014 27.9 21.8
7 2015 52.3 26.3
8 2016 53.5 34.8
9 2017 69.9 41.6
10 2018 53.5 32.2

Unintentional Drug Overdose Death Numbers

wdt_ID Year Clark County Ohio
2 2010 20 1,579
3 2011 34 1,770
4 2012 36 1,898
5 2013 28 2,109
6 2014 38 2,532
7 2015 71 3,053
8 2016 72 4,050
9 2017 94 4,849
10 2018 72 3,762
11 2019 56 4,029

These data show the unintentional drug overdose death rate, and the number of unintentional drug overdose deaths, in Clark County and Ohio, from 2010 to 2017.

These numbers are universal, not estimates, so there is no margin of error.

Clark County has seen a rate increase of 55.4 between 2010 and 2017. Ohio has seen a rate increase of 27.9 between 2010 and 2017.

All data comes from the enters for Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

This information comes from the CDC WONDER results for Underlying Cause of Death, 1999-2017.

This post was last updated on 15 July 2019.

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