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People per Doctor

How many people live in an area compared to how many primary care physicians there are

People per Primary Care Physician

People per Primary Care Physician

wdt_ID Year Clark County Ohio
2 2013 2,062 1,348
3 2014 2,118 1,332
4 2015 2,018 1,336
5 2016 2,161 1,296
6 2017 2,038 1,300
7 2018 2,229 1,307
8 2019 2,285 1,304
9 2020 2,210 1,310
10 2021 2,320 1,300
11 2022 2,270 1,290
12 2023 2,300 1,290

These data show the number of people who live in Clark County and Ohio for every one primary care physician in those areas.

  • There number of people per primary care physician has increased in Clark County from 2013 to 2019.
  • There are far more people per primary care provider in Clark County than in Ohio. In other words, primary care may be more available in the state of Ohio than in Clark County.

All data were collected from County Health Rankings, which are provided by the Area Health Resource Files.

This post was last updated on 16 July 2019.