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The number and rate of robberies in Springfield

Number of Robberies

Robbery Rate

Number of Robberies

wdt_ID Year Springfield Ohio United States
2 2010 216 16,486 369,089
3 2011 209 15,991 354,772
4 2012 178 15,396 355,051
5 2013 208 14,483 345,095
6 2014 223 12,753 325,802
7 2015 163 12,628 327,799
8 2016 184 12,589 330,044
9 2017 177 11,220 320,595
10 2018 143 9,188 282,018
11 2019 124
12 2020 107
13 2021 128
14 2022 136

Robbery Rate

wdt_ID Year Springfield Ohio United States
2 2010 356.4 142.9 119.3
3 2011 344.6 138.6 113.9
4 2012 295.0 133.3 113.1
5 2013 346.6 125.2 109.0
6 2014 378.7 110.0 102.2
7 2015 272.6 108.1 102.2
8 2016 309.2 108.2 102.9
9 2017 300.8 96.2 98.6
10 2018 242.3 78.6 86.2
11 2019 209.7 75.8 81.8
12 2020 181.5 66.9 73.9
13 2021 217.0 59.3 65.5
14 2022 231.9 53.1 66.1

These data measure the total number and rate of robberies reported to the Springfield city police office, compared to the Clark County sheriff’s office, Ohio and the United States.

  • Robbery in Springfield has decreased from 356.4.6 to 300.8 per 100,000 residents. In number, there were 39 fewer murders committed in 2017 than in 2010.
  • Robbery rates have stayed about the same in Ohio and the United States.

All data comes from the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

This information comes from the Crime Data Explorer for Springfield and Clark County.

Crime rates are typically calculated by number of total incidents per 100,000 people. Because the city of Springfield has a population of less than 100,000, these rates are actually higher than the real number of incidents. For instance, the rate of Springfield robbery in 2011 was 344.6 while the Springfield population in 2011 was 60608; this means that there were actually 209 robberies in Springfield that year.

This post was last updated on 4 November 2019.

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